Installation guide

Before installing django-project-portfolio, you’ll need to have a copy of Django already installed. For information on obtaining and installing Django, consult the Django download page, which offers convenient packaged downloads and installation instructions.

The 1.0 release of django-project-portfolio supports Django 1.7 and 1.8, on any of Python 2.7, 3.3 or 3.4. Older versions of Django and/or Python are not supported.

Normal installation

The preferred method of installing django-project-portfolio is via pip, the standard Python package-installation tool. If you don’t have pip, instructions are available for how to obtain and install it.

Once you have pip, simply type:

pip install django-project-portfolio

Manual installation

It’s also possible to install django-project-portfolio manually. To do so, obtain the latest packaged version from the listing on the Python Package Index. Unpack the .tar.gz file, and run:

python install

Once you’ve installed django-project-portfolio, you can verify successful installation by opening a Python interpreter and typing import projects.

If the installation was successful, you’ll simply get a fresh Python prompt. If you instead see an ImportError, check the configuration of your install tools and your Python import path to ensure django-project-portfolio installed into a location Python can import from.

Installing from a source checkout

The development repository for django-project-portfolio is at <>. Presuming you have git installed, you can obtain a copy of the repository by typing:

git clone

From there, you can use normal git commands to check out the specific revision you want, and install it using python install.