Installation guide

Before installing django-project-portfolio, you’ll need to have a copy of Django already installed. For information on obtaining and installing Django, consult the Django download page, which offers convenient packaged downloads and installation instructions.

The 1.3 release of django-project-portfolio supports Django 1.8, 1.9, and 1.10, on the following Python versions:

  • Django 1.8 suports Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5.
  • Django 1.9 supports Python 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5.
  • Django 1.10 supports Python 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5.

It is expected that django-project-portfolio 1.3 will work without modification on Python 3.6 once it is released.


Python 3.2

Although Django 1.8 supported Python 3.2 at the time of its release, the Python 3.2 series has reached end-of-life, and as a result support for Python 3.2 has been dropped from django-project-portfolio.

Normal installation

The preferred method of installing django-project-portfolio is via pip, the standard Python package-installation tool. If you don’t have pip, instructions are available for how to obtain and install it. If you’re using Python 2.7.9 or later (for Python 2) or Python 3.4 or later (for Python 3), pip came bundled with your installation of Python.

Once you have pip, simply type:

pip install django-project-portfolio

Manual installation

It’s also possible to install django-project-portfolio manually. To do so, obtain the latest packaged version from the listing on the Python Package Index. Unpack the .tar.gz file, and run:

python install

Once you’ve installed django-project-portfolio, you can verify successful installation by opening a Python interpreter and typing import projects.

If the installation was successful, you’ll simply get a fresh Python prompt. If you instead see an ImportError, check the configuration of your install tools and your Python import path to ensure django-project-portfolio installed into a location Python can import from.

Installing from a source checkout

The development repository for django-project-portfolio is at <>. Presuming you have git installed, you can obtain a copy of the repository by typing:

git clone

From there, you can use normal git commands to check out the specific revision you want, and install it using python install.

Basic use

You’ll need to add django-project-portfolio to your Django-based project; since this application makes use of a custom signal which needs to be set up, it’s done via a Django AppConfig subclass. So rather than adding projects to your INSTALLED_APPS setting, instead add projects.apps.ProjectsConfig, like so:

    # ... other apps here

Then run migrate to set up the required database tables, and you can start adding instances of the provided models though the Django admin interface, and wiring up the provided views in your URLconf.