Models for software projects

django-project-portfolio provides three models which work together to describe software projects: Project represents a software project, Version represents a particular version of a project, and License represents the license under which a particular version is released.

class projects.models.License

The license under which a particular Version is released. This is tied to Version rather than Project in order to allow the possibility of relicensing from one version to another.

A License has three fields, all of which are required:



The name of the license (for example, “GPLv2” or “MIT”).


SlugField (prepopulated from name)

A short, descriptive URL-safe string to identify the license. Currently there are no views in django-project-portfolio which make use of this, but the field is provided so that custom views can make use of it.


A link to an online version of the license’s terms, or to a description of the license. For open-source licenses, individual license pages in the OSI license list are useful values for this field.

class projects.models.Project

A software project.

Four fields (all required) provide basic metadata about the project:



The name of the project.


SlugField (prepopulated from name)

A short, descriptive URL-safe string to identify the project.



A free-form text description of the project.


IntegerField with choices

Indicates whether the project is public or not. May be expanded to include additional options in future versions, hence the implementation as an IntegerField with choices instead of a BooleanField. Valid choices are:


Indicates a project which is public; this will cause built-in views to list and display the project.


Indicates a project which is hidden; built-in views will not list or display the project.

Four additional fields, all optional, allow additional useful data about the project to be specified:


URL of a location where packages for this project can be found.


URL of the project’s source-code repository.


URL of the project’s online documentation.


URL of the project’s online testing/continuous integration status.

One utility method is also defined on instances of Project:


Returns the latest Version of this project (as defined by the is_latest field on Version), or None if no such version exists.

Finally, the default manager for Project defines one custom query method, public(), which returns only instances whose status is PUBLIC_STATUS. This is implemented via a custom QuerySet subclass, so the method will be available on any QuerySet obtained from Project as well.

class projects.models.Version

A particular version of a software project.

There are six fields, all of which are required:


ForeignKey to Project

The project this version corresponds to.



A string representing the version’s identifier. This is deliberately freeform to support different types of versioning systems, but be aware that it will (with the built-in views) be used in URLs, so URL-safe strings are encouraged here.



Indicates whether this is the latest version of the project. When a Version is saved with is_latest=True, a post_save signal handler will toggle all other versions of that Project to is_latest=False.


IntegerField with choices

The status of this version. Valid choices are (taken from the Python Package Index’s status choices):


This is an early/planning version.


This is a pre-alpha version.


This is an alpha version.


This is a beta version.


This is a stable version.


ForeignKey to License

The license under which this version is released.


The date on which this version was released.

Additionally, the default manager for Version defines one custom query method, stable(), which returns only instances whose status is STABLE_STATUS. This is implemented via a custom QuerySet subclass, so the method will be available on any QuerySet obtained from Version as well, and also on any related QuerySet obtained through an instance of Project.